The 9th FrameRageShow took place on 15th December 2021 in the Z-Bar. Certainly also because of Corona, we sat together in an unusually small group and enjoyed the animations of the 9th Challenge to the soundtrack of 1KPieces. But it was a lot of fun.
And the winners are …
The audience voted for two winning animations and FrameRage congratulates wholeheartedly Mikael Lindskov Jacobsen with his Animation „Loading …“ and Russisch Brot with his Animation „Error Arrow“. Many thanks for participating!
Animations of challenge No. 9
„Loading …“ by Mikael Lindskov Jacobsen
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mmm_ikael/
web: http://www.mikaellindskovjacobsen.com
„Error Arrow“ by Russisch Brot
„Lillesjö“ by Matthias Daenschel
web: http://www.matthiasdaenschel.de
„Climate unmake“ by Maria Pätzold
web: https://kvasar.gallery/maria-pae/
„HARVEST“ by Matthias Daenschel
web: http://www.matthiasdaenschel.de