FrameRage Winners June 2019
Congratulaions to the two (!) winners of the FrameRage challenge No.3 !

SMIRK from Berlin (Germany) with his animation FR4M3R4G3 III to the soundfile of Francisco Londoño
and Matthias Dänschel from Berlin (Germany) with his animation Pattern to the soundfile of Francisco Londoño.
Further Animations of the FrameRage Challenge No.3
Dark, very dark inside by Markus Kempken (Berlin)
to the soundfile of Francisco Londoño
I almost did it … by Nikolai Solowjow (Berlin)
to the soundfile of Francisco Londoño
Competition by Christiane Eger (Berlin) (Video is following soon)
to the soundfile of Francisco Londoño
Coffee Love by Markus Wende (Berlin)
to the soundfile of Francisco Londoño